Sonakshi Dua
Animal Communicator

Constantly feeling a special bond with animals, Sonakshi's life took a drastic turn when her dog of 7 years began to fall sick & eventually passed on. With no closure from the vets, she set on a journey to find out if her furry friend was ok wherever she was.

This decision led her into the animal communication world, where humans and their pets could finally understand each other. Using her intuitive abilities, clairsentience gifts, and healing capabilities her aim is to help careers and pets to build a deeper, healthier, and more understanding relationship. 

By tuning in telepathically, Sonakshi has helped many people and animals deepen their connections with each other, understand behavioural problems, assist in the process of death and dying, and examine issues surrounding illness and accidents.

This decision led her into the animal communication world, where humans and their pets could finally understand each other. Using her intuitive abilities, clairsentience gifts, and healing capabilities her aim is to help careers and pets to build a deeper, healthier, and more understanding relationship.